
Better with time
29 May 2003 @ 10:19 am

So, I finally got off my ass and did something with Matt.

I had to go to my sisters graduation last night, and I asked Matt to go along so that when my grandmother's husband Mike, started being a dick, I had someone there with me. I guess Mike was not feeling good so he didn't go anyway. Yeah! Oh sorry...

I picked Matt up at his apartment because it was kinda on the way. I hadn't seen him since 6 months after my graduation, which was two years ago. I didn't know what I was missing. He has just gotten better since high school.

But, back to graduation. When we got there, the bleachers were full, so we stood next to them, where we had a view. Matt and I talked about some of the crazy shit we did in high school, who we had dated, why we shouldn't have dated them, what we've done, what we're doing. We talked about the old group too. It was pretty cool, even though it made me feel old.

After graduation, we all met at Denny's where my sister got her gifts and we all visited. Matt was bored, understandably, so we wrote notes on the placemats to each other. We probably shouldn't have left them on the table because a couple of the notes were about the shitty service.

When we were finished it was still early, about midnight, and mom needed some stuff from Walmart, so we hung out while she shopped and tried to get in trouble. I didn't work, but we had fun.

About 2am, we went back to his apartent and he showed me around because I had never been inside before. His roommates weren't home but mom was waiting in the car, so I had to be quick. There's always I next time right?

He wants to see me again today, but he doesn't seem to grasp that my stepdad would not put up with that for a second. I really don't know what to do because this is too good to pass up. I hope, anyway. But, the last thing I need is to get mixed up in this kind of stuff again.

I must remeber to keep lust and love seperate. Love will break you in the end, but lust will put you in a strange bed in the morning.

Older Entries
This is the end of it. - 29 March 2004
Dream On - 22 February 2004
Until the Day I Die - 24 January 2004
It hurts to love him - 22 December 2003
Blood Brothers - 21 December 2003

Take a Deep Breath & Step Forward
� Copyright 2003, 2004 by RavenousEyes