
The cons of being male
06 May 2003 @ 1:10 pm

Okay, so last night I was making some carrot-potato soup, and I came to realize that there are a lot of vegetables shaped like penis's (or is it peni?). Is this God's way of saying "Men will usually be uncaring bastards during reproduction, so while he's away go ahead and check out the crisper drawer."

You don't see many things that looks like a snatch do you? Or items that can be used in the same way as one. I mean besides sandwich bags and the like. Maybe guys really did get the shitty end of the deal.

Multiple Oragasims? -No.

Various Toys? -No.

Experimentation w/ same sex? -No.

Willpower? -No.

Maybe being a girl isn't so bad after all.

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