
High school
26 April 2003 @ 8:30 pm

I've been thinking about highschool alot lately. Mainly about how much I fucked it up. Things could have been so much better had someone just pulled my head out of my ass. My life would have been different.

For one I wish I never would have gotten involved with Kennie. He ruined my life, he really did.

I also wish I had actually tried in my classes. If I could pull B's based on tests alone, I could have gotten a schloarship to any college I wanted with just a little more work. Then I wouldn't have been stuck in customer service making $12 an hour. The corporate ladder is a long slow one.

I could have taken a lot more time just focusing on life and being happy. There was always so much going on and my calendar was so full that there was no time left for me.

I guess I'm just feeling old these days. Someone pointed out that I have wrinkles. 20 years old for good's sake.

Older Entries
This is the end of it. - 29 March 2004
Dream On - 22 February 2004
Until the Day I Die - 24 January 2004
It hurts to love him - 22 December 2003
Blood Brothers - 21 December 2003

Take a Deep Breath & Step Forward
� Copyright 2003, 2004 by RavenousEyes