
What A Surprise
19 May 2003 @ 7:52 pm

Went to lunch with my SD tonight. Same old shit, right? He complained about the food, and then made it look like I'm the one who didn't like it. It's also hard to keep a drunk quiet in a restaurant so as not to disturb the other parties.

As we were leaving, I decided that I might as well use the loo before heading home. Either I'm just really lucky or I somehow knew. But as I was washing my hands I got a phone call.

I haven't seen Matt in probably almost a year. He wasn't even at Bobbie's wedding in January. We have this funny kind of relationship that draws us back together every once in a while. He was pretty good friends with one of my ex-boyfriends, and a real good friend of Bobbie's. We would all congregate at his house to swim, watch movies, and what not. At one point he was the "captain" of Movie Night.

We did some pretty heavy flirting, but nothing could be taken seriously because I was pretty much engaged to the afore mentioned ex. As soon as I got rid of that loser, he was roped into a realationship with a girl that was crazier than Charles Manson eating fruitloops on your front porch. Needless to say, I wasn't about to go there.

That was the last I had heard of Matt. He didn't show up for Bobbie's wedding, and pretty much just feel out of our scene, beings as I somehow lost his phone number.

I couldn't talk for long because I was only in the loo to tinkle, not have a 5 minute conversation. He really is a great guy, but I'm sure things will end up like they always do. It'll get hot and heavy and then we both step back for a breather and our attentions will be caught by something else.

More on this later, I suppose. I hope.

Older Entries
This is the end of it. - 29 March 2004
Dream On - 22 February 2004
Until the Day I Die - 24 January 2004
It hurts to love him - 22 December 2003
Blood Brothers - 21 December 2003

Take a Deep Breath & Step Forward
� Copyright 2003, 2004 by RavenousEyes